Skin Q&A with ASI HQ Mum's

Skin Q&A with ASI HQ Mum's


ASI Product Development & Mumma to Mila-Mae (10 months)


ASI Operations and mumma to Charlie (3.5 Years) and Harry (1 Year 2 months)


ASI Marketing & Mumma to Bonnie (1 year 5 months)

Fav Product & Why?

What is your favourite skincare product? And Why?

Chelsea: It's very hard for me to pick my fav, but I would have to say Vitamin B3 Complex, it's just a great allrounder. After having Mila I found that I did get some hormonal pigmentation, I find B3 helps to lighten and brighten my skin and helps to prevent any more pigmentation from popping up.

Natalie: My favourite product is the Vitamin A Corrector. Potent and anti ageing. It refined my pores and keeps my skin looking bright and fresh. I can see an instant result the next morning.

Wizzy: OMG It's like picking your favourite child, you shouldn't do it. But at the same time... Pure Hydration Concentrate 100% haha! I am time poor, with juggling work and my little wild child. I find that the Pure Hydration Concentrate is literally my skin's savour. Tired mum = tired skin, and this product gives my skin a super hydration boost, it brings my skin and soul back to life!

What about your everyday skincare routine?


Chelsea: You would think my routine would be full of heaps of products but it's actually pretty simple.

Every morning and night: Cream Cleanser as a pre cleanse, followed by our Foaming Cleanser for a deep cleanse.

Morning: After cleansing, I use the vitamin B3 Complex and Day Cream with SPF.

Night: After cleansing, I use the Pure Hydration Concentrate for a hydration boost and the Night Cream for all over rejuvenation.

3 nights a week I exfoliate with our AHA Power Exfoliant, use the 0.25mm Dermal Roller then the Vitamin A Serum.

Okay… so maybe it's a little more complicated than i said haha.


Natalie: As I don't have much time with 2 boys it's minimal.

AM: Cleanse, Vitamin C and Day Cream, ASI Minerals

PM: Cleanse, Vitamin A or B3 and Night Cream

2 or 3 times a week. I TRY to do a Peel and Purifying Hydration mask (usually when I'm folding the washing)


Wizzy: Look i could lie.. But I wont for the sake of being real for you guys. It's basic at the best of times..

Morning - Foaming Cleanser, Pure Hydration Concentrate, Day Cream with SPF

Night - Foaming Cleanser, Serum depending how i'm feeling (Vit A, B3 or C), and Night Treatment

If all goes to plan and I have a spare 30min i'll do the below twice weekly at night

Foaming Cleanser, AHA Power Exfoliant, 0.25mm Dermal Roller and a Dermal Face Lift Mask or Serum (whatever my skins crying out for)


How did pregnancy change your skincare routine?


Chelsea: I got a really bad breakout when I was pregnant so I added in the Clearing Renewal Complex to help. I also had to stop using vitamin A products as you cant use them while pregnant.

Natalie: There is just minimal time to do the Advanced skin treatments which I miss alot. Every now and then I will get a facial but it's not often enough!

Wizzy: When i was pregnant i never got the pregnancy glow, i just stayed in the bad-skin-hair-falling out phase.. Actually come to think of it I feel like I'm still in that phase.

The biggest changes I saw in my skin were mainly around dehydration and hormonal pigmentation. I really really missed not being able to use Vitamin A.  

How has your skin changed since becoming a mum?


Chelsea: It's a lot dryer now and has a little more pigmentation.

Natalie: More wrinkles from stress haha. And slightly more dehydrated.

Wizzy: Maybe it's because my skin doesn't take priority or because of hormones changing, but my skin feels like it's more dehydrated and I can't mask the pigmentation like I used to. (Mainly because i have little time for full makeup haha)

What is the best part about being a mum?


Chelsea: Watching a mini of you and your partner become their own amazing person.

Natalie: Apart from unconditional love, I love watching my boys grow and learn. Everyday there will be something new, different and funny to experience.

Wizzy: Experiencing unconditional love and a bond deeper than I could have imagined. Seeing my daughter grow/learn/explore/imagine is the most fulfilling experience of my life.

How do you relax/recharge?


Chelsea: I'm not the best at relaxing LOL, but I have started yoga which I love, watching a good movie while Mila is asleep and I love going for long walks.

Natalie: I love to run with the boys in the running pram. They think it's a ride too! Having a date night with a movie, cheese and wine is always good too.

Wizzy: Is wine an okay answer? (haha kidding?) I feel relaxed and grounded when Bonnie is asleep (also kidding haha). But seriously, I love to wind down by going on walks to the park with my family, cook new and exciting food, paint and listen to podcasts and music.

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