ASI Dermal Roller Home Usage Guide

ASI Dermal Roller Home Usage Guide

A dermal roller is a small hand-operated drum device fitted with surgical grade stainless steel needles. The point of the roller is to create micro- tunnels in the skin to encourage the production of collagen. Increased production of collagen decreases fine lines, discoloration, aging effects, dehydration, congestion, and uneven texture.

ASI Home Care Roller 

The ASI device is a dermal roller available here has a durable ergonomic handle for ease of rolling. The diamond pointed stainless steel can be easily cleaned with hot water after each use. Rolling the micro- points over target areas two to three times per week should increase collagen output and visible results could be seen in a matter of weeks with consistent use.

Acupuncture for Fine Lines

Acupuncture is the art of stimulation to resolve the body's issues through pressure points. Derma rolling is a minuscule variant of the practice. Using the micro- tunnels to increase collagen to plump skin back into its shape is only one of the benefits. The micro- punctures also allow the skin to absorb aftercare products deeper in allowing for better results. Stretch marks, enlarged pores, loose skin, wrinkles, and small scars can be rolled away with treatments.

How to Choose The Right Size

First, choose a needle size. They range from 0.25 mm- 0.75 mm. Smaller rollers are for pigmentation correction, fine lines, dehydration, congestion, and uneven skin tone. Larger rollers can be used to reverse body scarring, hair loss, stretch marks, and skin texture. The smaller rollers are typically used for the face and larger ones for the rest of the body.

Upon receiving the size you choose the next step is to cleanse your face. It is typically recommended you cleanse the roller before use, using a spray-on alcohol-based cleanser or hot water. Before rolling is a good time to use your favourite toner as well. While rolling your derma roller remember to use smooth and even strokes, gently guiding the roller in one direction and lifting before changing directions. Try to roll over the skin upwards, downwards and diagonal to create the best possible coverage. Post rolling apply your favourite repair cream or finish your routine skincare as you previously have. Remember to cleanse your roller before putting up to prevent damage to roller.

When not to roll

As with any skin treatments, do not use your roller with open sores, infections, acne, or if you have a history with increased scarring or a poor immune system. Those with thinner skin may wish to avoid excess rolling to prevent an increased risk of bleeding.

How often to use a dermal roller

Rolling is good for your skin, in moderation. Your skin needs time to heal before your next treatment. Two to three times per week should be enough to show results. More frequently could cause more harm than good. A good rule of thumb when beginning your rolling journey is to start with one treatment a week and increase when you don't see signs of potential problems occurring.


Top products to include in your after rolling routine include the vitamins naturally present in your skin. Vitamins like A, B3, C improve the quality and elasticity of your skin. Add a hydration concentrate or mask to improve the plumpness of your skin and help it remain healthy. Use the dermal facelift mask here to aid your roller in preventing the signs of aging and increase hydration at the same time.

Dermal rolling not only helps your face look and feel better, but it can help all over your body. Use your Dermal roller to regain your beautiful, radiant, glowing healthy skin. Use your dermal roller at-home routine to enhance your natural beauty. 

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